Grading App
This was a project completed for an app design course at Grand View University. The brief was to create an app for a school district that would provide a more efficient way for high school students to electronically submit assignments and for teachers to digitally grade and track them. This was a solo project.
I started by researching similar apps and mapping the flow through the app of key tasks. I also identified three user types — teachers, students and parents.
For the first milestone, I created an abbreviated style guide for the app. I was given the school mascot and school colors. I created a simple word mark and chose accent colors and typography that would be modern and easy to read.
I also storyboarded key tasks that would be completed in the app.
Then I created wireframes using Basalmiq Mockups to show the layout of the screens and how they would differ for each user type.
Student or Parent
I created more polished designs in InDesign, added interactivity and used Export Kit to create a prototype app. You can download the epub file here. I conducted usability testing sessions with six users (three parents and three students) to gain feedback on the app. Given more time, I would have liked to have more participants.
Finally, I created an Implementation Summary addressed to district administrators to help them understand how the app works, how it was built and why it was designed the way it was. I included a design overview, a summary of the usability testing and recommendations for implementations. You can read the full summary here.