After consolidating the public-facing websites at Athene, we embarked on a new effort to update the web portals. The primary business goals were to reduce annual maintenance costs and improve data quality. Secondary goals were to add additional self-service functionality for customers and financial professionals.
Beyond the business objectives, I saw additional opportunities to create efficiency for the writers and designers on the Creative Services team.
Choosing a content management system that would be simple for for writers to use and allow for content creation without developers.
The existing portals were built using IBM Wepshere and Web Content Manager (WCM). IBM’s solution was extremely robust, but had a steep learning curve. All content was maintained in HTML format, which writers did not know.
Creating a modular design system to increase consistency.
What I did:
Provide input in the RFP for a new content management system (CMS)
Help define requirements for the CMS
Participate in all vendor meetings and demonstrations
Evaluate and score options
Define requirements for the design system
Provide feedback on proposed design concepts
Initial concepts were created by Garrigan Lyman Group. They needed more work to meet our detailed functional requirements.
Provide feedback on UI elements and navigational structure
UI work was done by Tiffany Nickelson, who reported to me at the time. was launched in June of 2018. Development on the customer and financial professionals was underway when I left the company.